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Counting Your Blessings

It has been a handful of months since I have written - where have I been? I have been a part of the production of Irving Berlin’s White Christmas! Oh, what a joy it has been to be in another show. However, that’s no excuse for not writing.

For those of you who have not seen White Christmas, here’s a quick synopsis:

The classic story is set in 1954 and focuses on performers Bob Wallace and Phil Davis as they team up with a sister act to do a Christmas show in Vermont. Little did they know they would run into their former commander during World War II General Waverly, who runs the inn that they would perform at. They discover that he is having financial difficulties and that their beloved general’s inn is on the brink of going under. They decide to put on a holiday extravaganza show to lift his spirits and save the inn!

It’s a tremendous show! I added some pictures at the end of the blog! But, you have to promise you'll read the blog first! :)

There are plenty of songs in the show that I love and enjoy singing, but one of my favorite songs in the show is one that I don’t sing. Bob sings it, and it’s called “Counting Your Blessings.

Some of the simple, beautiful lyrics are:

When you’re worried and you can’t sleep

Just count your blessings instead of sheep

And you’ll fall asleep

Counting your blessings

There is something so beautiful in this song, and I believe it is the truth found within the lyrics. The heartbeat of the show.

The battle of fear and the choice of gratitude.

How often do we allow ourselves to live burdened and worried? How often do the circumstances around us cause us to wonder, to fall into ‘what if?’ Have you ever found yourself doing or saying something that you wouldn’t normally do because you were fearful?

Fearful simply means to be full of fear.

Yet, being burdened and full of fear is not the way God designed us to live!

In the book of John, we can find Jesus’ famous “I am” statements. In John 10, He has two statements, “I am the Gate” and “I am the Good Shepherd.” He also says, “The thief [the one who is not our shepherd - or good for that matter] comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.” (John 10:10, brackets added)

Jesus, our Gate and Good Shepherd cares about His sheep (us!) and protects them. He speaks tenderly to us. Sheep are not burden-bearing animals and that is not how God designed us to be.

The Good Shepherd promises His beloved sheep, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” (Matthew 11:28-30, bold added)

I find myself this morning thinking about General Waverly’s character. Who knows how much fear he carried?- and not just the worries of finance and losing the inn. The fears he held during the battles of war, where he watched men he served lose their lives, wondering if he would ever be home again with his family for another Christmas. Think of the men that General Waverly represents. Think of the weight…the burdens that must be. I can only imagine that they would be very, very heavy.

And now, I think of you. I don’t know what you are facing today– the worries or fears burdening your heart, be it finances, a relationship, provision, your future, your loved ones.

I may not know your worries nor how many they count up to; but, our Good Shepherd knows.

And I remind you, dear sheep and friend, that you are not designed to be full of fear or a burden bearer, but rather be full of faith and an armor-bearer!

How do we combat fear?

I believe the first step is found in the lyrics:

Start by counting your blessings.

What are you grateful for today? If you are having difficulty finding a blessing, try starting with the fact that you have been given another day! Another opportunity to live fully alive! You have a God Who loves you and is on your side!

A verse that I have committed to heart is this:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

“Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”

(Philippians 4:6-8, italics added)

Oh, how that verse so resembles Counting Your Blessings!

Another Scripture found in Psalm 100 says that we are to enter His gates with thanksgiving and enter His courts with praise! Thanksgiving and praise are how we enter the Presence of God!

Begin with a thankful heart.

Remember to count your blessings. And, remember that when you trust Jesus, He counts you as one of His sheep.

Sheep and blessings. I love it! My heart is giddy to find those God-connections!

Here is a personal prayer and a prayer for you, too:

Dear God… Good Shepherd. I thank You and praise You! You are worthy of all the praise and honor! There is no Name greater or more holy. Right now, I thank You for every blessing - every good and perfect gift - You have given me - Your perfect love and relationship with You, my life, family, good health, a home, a job, and the ability to be in a show that I love! I cast down every burden at Your feet and humbly choose to surrender every big and little worry to You. I thank You that I don’t have to carry them, but that You promise to give me rest in You when I come to You. In the Name of Jesus, I tread upon those fears and ask Jesus that You would increase my faith and fill me to overflow with hope and joy for today.

I pray this over every single person reading this, too. God, YOU are their authority, not their feelings or circumstances. I pray they would trust You even more deeply today. That they would choose to see the blessings and lay the burdens at your feet. You count them as your own and they are safe with You today, tonight as they sleep, tomorrow, and every single day. Thank You, and in the mighty Eternal Name of Jesus I pray, Amen.

I hope pray this encourages you!


Details and tickets can be found at – we have shows today (July 6) through Sunday, July 9!

And here are those fun pictures from the show, too! Thank you for reading!

Resources hand-picked for you:

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4 comentários

10 de jul. de 2023

What an impactful Word Tori! Thank you for connecting and communicating the importance the message of this wonderful show.

07 de ago. de 2023
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Thank you so much, Mom! I love you!!


07 de jul. de 2023

Tori I am so blessed and pleased to have met you. You are precious to me, and I hope I get to know you more. Thank you for spending time pouring into us with this blog. It’s an awesome reminder of how great He is always!! Love you sister in Christ!

07 de ago. de 2023
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Thank you so much, Kari! I am truly so grateful for you and to have been in the show with you! Love you, too!

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