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Take Off the Grave Clothes

Updated: 6 days ago

"Take off the grave clothes and let him go."

Jesus, John 11:44

I'm no fashion-guru by any means, but I like to be intentional with what I wear! I enjoy wearing an outfit that says, "This is me!" Be it a sundress with a European flair, or an oversized tee-shirt, jeans, and my big, white Fila shoes, I take what I wear into consideration! Because it's not just an outfit, it's an outward display of me. What we wear on the outside can be a tell to who we are on the inside! What we choose to put on can tell others what we believe or feel about ourselves. Interesting...

So, how many believers in Jesus are still wearing their "grave clothes"?

In John 11, Jesus resurrects Lazarus. It's a miracle! Who else has the power to raise someone from the dead? There are so many incredible displays of Jesus' divinity and humanity in this chapter alone. But I want to jump to the part where Lazarus, who once was dead and now alive, is coming out of the grave. Jesus says, "Take off the grave clothes and let him go."

Imagine with me for a moment. Let's put ourselves in Lazarus' shoes. You were just given a second chance at life - Jesus Himself raised you from the DEAD! You just heard Jesus' voice. You're coming out of the tomb, your body aches from being still for so long. The light is painfully bright, yet the closer you get to the sun, you feel its warmth and healing all at once. You think to yourself, "Wow, I had a taste of what death was and now I'm alive again! Because of Jesus!" And then you hear Jesus tell your sisters, Martha and Mary, on either side of you, "Take off the grave clothes..."

And you interject, "Whoa, whoa whoa. Wait just a minute, Jesus. I think I'm going to keep these on."

And your sisters respond, "Are you kidding? They smell terrible! And grave clothes are for a dead person. You're not dead anymore. You are alive, Lazarus!"

"Yes, I know, but I don't want to forget that I was dead, you know? I think it would be the holy thing to do. To always remind myself that I once was dead so that I appreciate the life I have now."

Hmm. How many of us think this is silly? It's silly, and yet it's crazy how many believers still clothe themselves today. In grave clothes. Holding onto things that remind them of the past, perhaps because we think it's holier or perhaps we didn't know there was a more liberating way to live. Walking around wearing a dead person's pajamas.

Are grave clothes what Jesus told Lazarus to wear now that he was alive? Did Jesus die so that we would have life but still wear our grave clothes?

In the chapter just before Lazarus is raised from the grave, Jesus says these famous words: "The thief enters only to steal, kill, and destroy. I came so that they could have life—indeed, so that they could live life to the fullest." (John 10:10, CEB)

We were all born into this world with a dead spirit. Jesus resurrects your dead spirit when you choose to believe in Him and make Him the Lord of your life. Sure, you're still human and are going to make mistakes. But your spirit is resurrected by the Holy Spirit and is made whole in Christ! This is a miracle!

We don't have to 'imagine we are Lazarus' anymore; we are Lazarus. Christ made us alive again that we may have life more abundantly in Him!

All of God's miracles are a demonstration of His love. He did not save you out of obligation therefore now you are obligated to wear your grave clothes the rest of your life. That is not life, that is prison. Jesus saved you because He loves you. He wants us to live fully alive and in freedom! And where the Spirit of the LORD is there is freedom.

Jesus said, "just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many" (Matthew 20:28). Why would Jesus have to pay ransom unless we were slave to something? We were. We were imprisoned to sin, and by the grace of God and the blood of Jesus, through our decision to believe, our spirits come to life and we are set free!

Let's compare this to another time we see clothing in the Bible: The Prodigal Son.

What happens to the prodigal son when he returns home to his father?

“And he got up and went to his own father. But while he was still far away, his father saw him and felt compassion. He ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. Then the son said to him, ‘Father, I have sinned against heaven and in your presence. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’

"But the father said to his slaves, ‘Quick! Bring out the best robe and put it on him! Put a ring on his hand and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it! Let’s celebrate with a feast! For this son of mine was dead and has come back to life—he was lost and is found!’ Then they began to celebrate" (Luke 15:20-24 TLV, bold and underlining added for emphasis).

The son comes home and repents to his father, declaring that he is no longer worthy to be called his son. But the father is so overwhelmed with compassion and joy that his son is home that the first thing he does is clothe his son and celebrate him.

I think many believers are still wearing their grave clothes. Many are under the impression or even believe in the theology that it is more holy to be live like they are in grave clothes. No joy, no strength, haunted by guilt and shame. This is heartbreaking.

I am not saying to forget what God has saved you from. Bringing remembrance to how God saved you is all over Scripture and worship unto Him! Time and time again, God reminds His people, the Israelites, that He rescued them from their slavery and oppression in Egypt! He wants them to remember His character of compassion, mercy, and justice. But, the point of being rescued from slavery is to not live as a slave anymore. God loves His people, wants to be with His people, and desires that His people to live in freedom! "Where the Spirit of the LORD is there is freedom!"

So, what about you?

What if God wants to robe you in His righteousness? What if He wants to adorn you with a ring that signifies that you belong to His family? What if he wants to give you new direction to your feet, peace and purpose to your path?

Knowing this, would you still want to wear the grave clothes? Of course not!

As I mentioned at the beginning, what we wear is an outward reflection of our inward beliefs. Could it be that 'wearing the grave clothes' is an outward reflection that maybe some part of us still feels ... not fully alive? Perhaps. And to that, I would encourage you to take a moment to ask God: is there a part of me that is still wearing grave clothes? Is there a part of me that isn't fully alive? Let God speak to you.

I fully believe that God, a good, loving Father would not want His children to still be wearing their grave clothes. He gives us His royal robes of righteousness.

If there is anything I want you to walk away from reading this is that wearing grave clothes is like choosing to believe that you are unworthy, staying in bondage, stuck in religion. It is death or bondage. But, wearing the clothes of the Father - the robe, ring, and sandals - is choosing to believe the truth that you are a beloved child of God and confidently knowing that the Father wants to clothe and adorn you as His child! It is life and freedom.

You are a beloved child of God. "Dearly loved."I pray for your spiritual eyes to be opened to look at your 'spiritual outfit' right now.

Father, I love You and thank You. Thank You for calling me Your child. Where in my life am I still wearing grave clothes? Please help me see. Father, I put on the robe - a robe of righteousness. I put on the ring - a symbol of sonship. I put on the sandals - a reminder of the purpose you have for me in Your Kingdom. I love You. In Jesus' Name, amen!


"No Longer Slaves" by Jonathan David and Melissa Helser

"Resurrection Power" by Brandon Lake

Healing is Easy? eBook by Wally Cook

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