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The Melon

Here’s the scene: I’m sitting on the floor, my Bible and journal are open, colorful pens are sprawled out. I’m on my phone, deep in my quiet time study of the word “trust.”

I’m reading and scrolling through an article, when all of a sudden I spot this word:


Melon? What? What does a melon have to do with trust?

Here it is!

Wow, what a beautiful picture! It is so neat to see how in the Hebrew language, words carry more meanings with specificity and even illustrations for accurate depictions. Imagine a big melon that seems so great and so beautiful and so nourishing on its own, yet it must desperately cling to its vine for life and growth. It is a humbling illustration. 

“I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener….Remain in me, as I also remain in you. No branch can bear fruit by itself; it must remain in the vine. Neither can you bear fruit unless you remain in me. I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” 

John 15: 1, 4-5

In the same way, we, too, have to trust, abide, remain, and hope in Jesus, the Vine. No matter how big and strong we are or how much fruit we are bearing, Jesus is very clear: If we are not connected to the Source of life, we cannot do anything!

So, hold fast and cling to God! He is the Source of Life. 

What does clinging to God practically look like?

This is not an exhaustive list, but here are a handful ways and ideas on how to cling to God:

  1. Praying and talking to God. 

  2. Reading the Bible - the words of life!

  3. Worshiping Him with songs and praise.

  4. Doing everything unto Him.

  5. Journaling and consulting God on all matters - big and small.

  6. Going to church and fellowshipping with other believers.

  7. Learning more about God, His character, His word, through reading books, listening to sermons or podcasts, talking with a trusted mentor, etc.

  8. Listening to His voice. 

  9. Receiving His Spirit, His peace - especially when you feel anxious.

  10. Walking in nature and thanking Him with a grateful heart.

At the end of the day, clinging to God is choosing to do life with God and trusting Him with every single area of your life. Why? Because He is worthy, He is true, and without Him, we are nothing and can’t do anything! 

Stay connected to Jesus, little melon!


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