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  • Writer's picturetoricorbo

Twenty-One Things I've Learned

In my final moments of being twenty-one years old for the last time, I have comprised a list of twenty-one things I have learned in the past twenty-one years of my life. They are serious things, fun things, things I’m still personally trying to work on in my own life... lot’s of things! ✨ so, here we go:

1. Live boldly. Go on adventures. Take in the moments and people that mean most to you. Tell them you love them - and don’t forget to tell God, too. He deserves it all. And a mind that’s focused on good things, noble things, pure things, are going to experience the peace of His presence and goodness. That’s a promise.

2. Change and transitions are tough - we don’t talk about them enough. You’re not alone.

3. Taking social media breaks and fasts are wonderful and so necessary.

4. Love keeps no record of wrong.

5. Rise to the occasion. Embrace opposition and challenges with the mindset that it will change you for better or worse. How it changes you is your choice.

6. God always comes through. It may not be in the way you think, but He always works all things for good for those who love Him.

7. Love is patient. Each of us are enduring or facing some sort of battle - not everyone has the time to empathize with you. But God is love and patient and Immanuel - “here with us [you]” during your hard times.

8. Comparison is a thief trying to steal your joy. The enemy is a bully, but we have the God of Angel armies defending and fighting for us!

9. Joy is not only a fruit of the spirit, but it’s a heart-posture, too.

10. It’s more blessed to give than receive! Giving takes your eyes of yourself.

11. If you feel the Holy Spirit tugging on your heart to do something, do it.

12. Don’t put God in a box. He can do whatever He wants. It’s our decision if we want to partner with Him or not.

13. Don’t take yourself so seriously - laugh a little! It is the best medicine!

14. A good cup of coffee, quiet time with the Lord, and a quick run is a great way to start the day.

15. People and relationships matter most in the grand scheme of things. Choose a kingdom mindset and invest eternally into those around you!

16. Finding a good book and actually reading it is very rewarding.

17. Lavender lattes are delicious. Trying new things is fun!

18. Sabbaths and rest is so important. Taking a day to breathe is vital - receive and be poured into so that you can pour back into others for another week.

19. Perfection is a lie. Grace in Jesus Christ is the truth and foundation we must always come back to!

20. Surround yourself with people you love and who are uplifting! Negativity = stinking thinking.

21. Take the time to plan, but don’t forget to LIVE.


22. Love God. Love yourself. Love others. It’s what life is all about.


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